Recruitment Process Audit: Risks, Observations, Controls, Checklists

So the first thing you touch in Every HR Audit is Recruitment Process Audit. As this is the most venerable area from where you can easily found some good quality observations. Here are few Recruitment Process Risks, Observations, Controls and Audit Checklists. Must go through it and give your feedback.

Mazor Risks and common observation in HR Recruitment process Audit.

  • The absence of manpower budgeting and recruitment policy leading to recruitments on the basis of ad-hoc needs of the department
  • Requisitions received are not institutionalized and supported by business requirement issues
  • An absence of structured and approved process of screening, interview, market intelligence about past credentials, parameters for evaluating a candidate, psychometric test (discreetly) etc. for recruitment
  • Lack of pre-defined skill sets and pre-defined compensation structure for each level/grade of the employee
  • Inability to make a judgment about right recruitment consultant and provide an appropriate brief to them as well as arriving at the right contract terms with them.

Recruitment process Audit Checklist and key action point while auditing :

  • Review the process of receiving the requisitions and whether these are supported by business needs.
  • The process of interview, evaluation, and recruitment. Review the parameters looked into.
  • Do a manpower budgeting and recruitment policy exist? If not, what is the control of the need-based method followed currently
  • Analysis of the recruitments made vis-a-vis the business requirement, requisition, and approval. Review the key considerations taken. Are these consistent
  • Review the recruitment made or in the process – Are they routed through proper channel. How the requirement is assessed. How the skill set requirement is finalized. Any specific observation to the contrary
  • Take a certain number of new recruitment details and verify the process followed. Does the process differ significantly? Whether a properly structured and approved process exist for recruitments? If not, how is it done now?
  • Has requisition forms been filled up for all the recruitments?
  • Verify the evaluation sheet and assess whether all relevant credentials were evaluated
  • Cross check whether credentials have been verified & market intelligence made for some critical cases
  • What are the parameters referred to while selecting a recruitment consultant?
  • Are the terms and conditions put in the agreement complied with by the consultants?
  • Is the commission payout adjusted if the employee leaves SREI in the agreed time?

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