Are petty cash/ change funds at the minimum effective amount? | |
Are all petty cash funds maintained on an imprest basis? | |
Are unauthorized advances from petty cash funds to employees prohibited? | |
Are all petty cash cheques cashed promptly at the banks? | |
Are petty cash vouchers or bills required for all petty cash disbursements and are they pre-numbered?
· Are they signed by persons receiving cash? · Are they approved in writing by department head or other responsible official? · Are they properly supported by vendor receipts? · Are they type-written or written in ink to preclude alterations? |
Is petty cash kept in a locked place, where only the custodian has access? | |
Are petty cash funds segregated from other cash? | |
Are letters accompanying gifts, grants, donations, etc., retained as part of the permanent records? | |
Are the authorization records of the depository banks up to date? | |
Are receipts deposited as often as required by the company policy? |